Hello Everyone, Hope you all are having a good holiday. I have been recently playing around with the thousand eyes network monitoring tool. This tool is very powerful and useful for testing internet connections and troubleshooting issues from routing to SIP. While examining the tool the system provides the ability to monitor you external network

Checking out Thousand Eyes Network MonitoringRead More »

Hello Everyone, In my recent video, I show you how fast a ransomware infection can spread to a machine even with antivirus Ransomware is a serious issue that is on the rise the issue with ransomware is its destruction and the rate of which it is spreading. Often leaving organizations with 2 options support the

Ransomware infection the least secure machine is the weakest linkRead More »

Lynis is an opensource auditing tool that helps administrators check the systems against a predefined compliance template. There are also some included templates to check the system against such as PCI, HIPPA compliance This software is pretty easy to use and comes at a reasonable price as well it makes it easy to manage system

How to Audit your Linux server with Lynis Paid for and free editionsRead More »