Hello All, Please be aware of this Air canada spam message circulating around the internet Type of message : Phising Senders IP : Location of IP located in Italy Link in email points to http://absabeauty.com/wordpress/pdf_ticket_copy.zip When a user clicks on the link malware is installed on the host computer Begin of email text […]
Tag: spam
Hello All, this post is directed to businesses and IT pros who have to deal with spam issues Do you have a issue with spam ? A way to mitigate spam attacks with ease can be done with a couple of different things such as proper mail server configuration protecting internal emails from being published
Mitigate Spammers With Barracuda Antispam GatewaysRead More »
Hello all, Please be aware of the below email that has been going around offering a data Entry Position Analysis Mail server ip located in : is from China(CN) in region Southern and Eastern Asia Type of Threat – Phishing Link leads to a suspicious website offering advertizing If you see the below email please
Hello Everyone Please beware of the below email if you see this email in your inbox please mark as spam and delete Type of email – Phishing Email Orgin Ip – Orgin Country – is from United States(US) in region North America Link in email actually points to http://jailtimeconsulting.com/kikil/index.php Beginning of the message
Hello Everyone ! I have added a new Section Where i will post spam emails and show an analysis of what makes them spam and also will show where they are coming from For now you can find this new section under home security > email security > Spam messages